Build a Happy & Engaged Team with the Veterinary Practice Culture Workshop!

You cannot choose not to have a company culture, and you can only choose whether you will define it or someone else does.

The process of defining and aligning your entire staff with a unified vision of the culture you aspire to create is a simple and powerful process that can uplift and transform your workplace for the better if you give it the consideration and the consistency it deserves.
This workshop was created by Dr. Michele Drake based on her experience building one of the most successful and respected veterinary practices in the nation.
Consistently used by keynote speakers as an exemplary example of outstanding company culture, The Drake Center for Veterinary Care, along with dozens of veterinary practices across the country, have utilized this staff meeting workshop format to solidify their company culture and create alignment throughout their staff.
This workshop consists of a few handouts and a short video where Dr. Drake will walk you and your staff through the concepts, strategies, and tactics to conduct a staff workshop that has been praised as "the best staff meeting we've ever had!"
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